Business Ethics and Jewish Law

Business Ethics and Jewish Law

from by: Rabbi David Golinkin

Abbreviated from Insight Israel 3:1 (October 2002), published by The Schechter Institute of Jewish Studiesin Jerusalem. Some bibliographic references that have been eliminated here, and a bibliography on Jewish business ethics, can be found in the original version of this article, available on-line. The opinions expressed here are the author’s own and in no way reflect an official policy of the Schechter Institute.

Accurate weights and measures

We are admonished in the Book of Leviticus (19:35-36): “You shall not falsify measures of length, weight, or capacity. You shall have an honest balance, an honest weight, an honest ephah [dry measure], and an honest hin [liquid measure]“.

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What Exactly is a Seller Obligated to Tell a Buyer?

This article is part of the  George Kalmar Business Ethics Series

Dilemma submitted by Anonymous
Answered by Rabbi Kurt Stein

A friend of mine, Reuven was the CEO of a very successful private company. They were being pursued by Shimon, a CEO of a public company, who wanted to buy Reuven’s company. Reuven knew much more about his own company than Shimon knew. Shimon, of course, sent in a small army’s worth of attorneys and accountants to perform due diligence on Reuven’s company. However, after the due diligence was completed, Reuven knew that Shimon’s army had overlooked some critical issues and was potentially offering too much money for the company.

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