Through unique and cutting-edge educational programming – in seminars, publications and online – Aish is at the forefront of nurturing Jewish identity, counteracting assimilation, and ensuring that our heritage not only survives but thrives.
The series is dedicated in memory of Harvey Hecker, the former President of Aish International, who believed that changing the world begins with ethics and integrity. Mr. Hecker was a master at calmly and appropriately dealing with others, especially amidst challenging situations. He gave freely of his time and wisdom, showing honor and humility to all. His mantra: "Strive to do the right thing."
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George Kalmar Business Ethics SERIES
The George Kalmar Business Ethics program at Aish International uses Torah principles and wisdom as a guide for the modern business man or woman, to conduct themselves in ways that will be ethical, moral and successful. You can read articles from various well-known experts.
In partnership with the State of Israel and the Jerusalem Municipality, Aish is poised to produce the world’s premier Jewish educational experience – a 50-minute highly-immersive exploration of the Jewish people’s incredible impact on world history, the centrality of the Land of Israel, and the relevance of Jewish wisdom and values in the modern world.
Justifi is a social activism and leadership training program which takes Jewish young adults into communities plagued by serious social injustice. Justifi programs are for Jews of any denomination who strive to practice Tikkun Olam, by building a better world, not simply imagining one. Justifi trips provide the opportunity for Jews to move into real-time solutions for issues facing our world.
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Project Inspire
Since its founding in 2006, Project Inspire has guided individuals, families and synagogues around North America to take up the mission of meaningful interactions with less-affiliated neighbors, friends and co-workers. The project has spawned tens of thousands of successes.
Project Chazon
On the heels of incredible educational success with non-observant Jews, Aish created Project Chazon to address another Jewish communal problem: While the overwhelming majority of Orthodox youth receive a quality Jewish education, for many their religious commitment is out of rote habit – rather than conviction and understanding.
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Hasbara Fellowships
Increasingly, universities today are bastions of virulent anti-Israel and anti-Semitic activities. In 2001, the Israel Foreign Ministry articulated a challenge: “Israel is losing the PR battle on campus. Aish are the education experts. Come up with a program and we’ll be your partners.” The result was Hasbara Fellowships, which brings North American college students to Israel for an intensive 2-week training program in pro-Israel activism.
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For men ages 18-29, the Essentials introductory program is the perfect start to a spiritual quest.For thousands of Jews fortunate to visit Jerusalem, Aish Essentials provides the first steps of coming closer to their heritage – and a quantum leap in connecting with the wisdom and relevance of Judaism. Essentials has become a key resource for other Jewish organizations who utilize our classes and teachers for their educational component.
Discovery Seminar
Discovery's presenters, a team comprised of physicists, mathematicians, lawyers, doctors, psychologists and professors, are all volunteers. Through the warm, entertaining and nonjudgmental atmosphere, audiences discover that Judaism has the tools for enhancing one's self-esteem, personal power and enjoyment of life. Discovery has been translated into Russian, German, Hebrew, Spanish and French.
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Aish Hatorah Yeshiva
Aish has been described as a “billion-dollar asset to the Jewish community.” One of our premier accomplishments is developing hundreds of Jewish leaders – rabbis, educators, administrators – who are undertaking leadership roles in over 100 Jewish communities around the world. In England alone, 140 Aish alumni have dedicated their professional careers to improving Jewish life.