Hecker Character Development Series: #9 Envy: The Path to Self-Defeat

Harvey S. Hecker Character Development Series: Our words are a powerful force to build – and destroy.

#9 Envy: The Path to Self-Defeat
Originally published by Rabbi Shraga Simmons on aish.com

In our age of uber-wealth, many pine to join the “one percent club” with its promise of travel, glamour, exciting relationships, and bulging bank accounts. Social media promotes this envy with curated posts that proclaim: “Look at me! Here I am with playoff tickets! Now I’m flying to an exotic vacation – business class! And here I am winning an award. Look how wonderful my life is! Don’t you wish you were me?”

Jealousy exists when we see someone achieving more than us, and our soul realizes it’s not fulfilling its potential. Rather than accepting responsibility to improve oneself, we seek to eliminate the “source” of our discontent by putting others down and denying their success.

Jealousy is at the root of all human conflict. History’s first murder revolves around envy: When Abel’s offering was accepted, Cain became resentful.1 When Joseph got special treatment, the brothers became jealous and sought to eliminate him.2

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Hecker Character Development Series: #7 Ethical Speech

Harvey S. Hecker Character Development Series: Our words are a powerful force to build – and destroy.

#7: Ethical Speech
Originally published by Rabbi Shraga Simmons on aish.com

At mankind’s birth on Rosh Hashanah 5777 years ago, God blew into Adam a “living soul” – defined as the power of speech.1 Ergo, verbal communication is our highest creative power, what distinguishes man from beast. With proper use of speech, we tap into our greatest potential; its misuse is a grave offense. “Whoever desires life,” King David advised, “should guard his tongue.”2

Words are our primary vehicle for expression, the bridge between ethereal thought and the tangible projection of self onto reality. Language enables us to share perspectives and learn from one another, fueling our quest for wisdom.

Speech is at the core of humanity. Our world was created with 10 utterances3 (“God said: “Let there be light”),4 and God transmitted the code of ethics at Sinai by speaking the Ten Commandments.5 In defining the differences between wise and foolish, the Talmud relates solely to the use of speech.6

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