The Jewish Ethicist – Homeless

The Jewish Ethicist – Homeless

from: by: Rabbi Dr. Asher Meir, Business Ethics Center of Jerusalem

Q. I have a relative who has trouble finding work and supporting his family. He is now homeless, and I am thinking of taking in him and his family. But I am worried that the help he gets from family members is making the situation worse by preventing him from taking responsibility.

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The Impact of Jewish Values on Marketing and Business Practices

The Impact of Jewish Values on Marketing and Business Practices

fro by Hershey H. Friedman

Judaism, which relies on the Torah for its written law, has had a great impact on marketing and business. The Torah is replete with precepts dealing with business, and the Talmud, the source of Jewish oral law, elaborates and expands Torah law. The process is ongoing and rabbinical authorities today build on the decisions of their predecessors to apply Jewish law to modern problems. Some of the issues examined in this paper include: honesty in the marketplace, fair pricing, employer-employee relations, and environmental issues. Jewish law is not only concerned with practical legal advice but in encouraging individuals to go beyond the requirements of the law and practice the “way of the pious.” Judaism does not have a negative attitude towards business and wealth — indeed, most of the Talmudic sages had occupations and some were quite wealthy — but riches must be acquired honestly and used to help the poor, the needy, and the stranger.

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